Beating A Dead Mock-Horse *

I know I’m always beating the “turn your friends vegan!” drum, but, seriously, let’s turn our friends vegan. We love them, right? We want them to be as happy about their ethical choices as we are, right? We want them to know the deep, fulfilling joy that comes along with not eating our other friends, right?!
Even though I am pretty sure almost no one reading this blog is in any need of convincing that veganism is the only acceptable diet (I really do mean the only), I’m going to post more how-to-fit-veganism-into-a-regular-life content that we can all share with our poor dairy-addicted friends.

The beautiful mother and baby at 9:00 of this video makes my heart soar!

Her encouragement for mothers to remain confident in their veganism for their babies’ health is a really special thing. So many times we are more fearful of challenging the norm than the dangers that the norm poses, and that is just inappropriate! Also, it’s not very evolved of us. With our big brains, we should be always looking forward to the very best options to optimize our brief experience on this incredible planet full of the most amazing natural resources.

Gah! What a waste of a life eating and wearing and paying for the abuse of animals is! It’s so frustrating to see a perfectly clear, abundant, gloriously joyful path to life and love, and to have to convince otherwise perfectly sane people of it! Especially when the alternative they choose, and defend as “normal” (NORMAL?!?! HMMMPPFFFFh#@%$E+$u!!!!!1!), causes so much pain, suffering, disease, darkness, defensiveness, physical and emotional torment and guilt… And those are just the risks to those choosing to live that life.
I’m not even going to get into the “lives” (if what we afford them can even be called life) of animals hurt by non-vegan humans. Let’s just talk about human people. Let’s just talk about why veganism is the only way for humans to live because it, plain and simple, benefits them the most.



* Plz don’t beat any horses. Faux or otherwise. Do go vegan though.

Why conservation and veganism?

You’re not here alone.
You are sharing this world, your existence, no matter how isolated from everything you may feel, with inconceivable numbers of other lifeforms.

We are all connected in some way; We see each other’s litter every day, everywhere we go. We breathe each other’s pollution. We sit in each other’s traffic. We wade in each other’s energy. We pay the price for each other’s greed.

Live small, go vegan, protect one another.

Why don’t you eat dogs?

I am genuine, not just trying to be confrontational, when I say that I don’t understand why some people express outrage at the idea of eating horses or dogs, but cows or chickens are fair game.

If there is a difference that you see, please tell me what it is, because it drives me nuts not knowing.