Sea Shepherd Launches ‘Operation Sunu Gaal’

Sea Shepherd Australia :: Sea Shepherd Launches ‘Operation Sunu Gaal’.

Sea Shepherd has made a commitment to protect Senegalese waters from poachers with their new fifth vessel. Named for a young activist who was murdered last year while protecting sea turtles from poachers, the Jairo Mora Sandoval will carry donated fuel and a [presumably volunteer SSCS] crew to protect Senegal’s waters from illegal fishing.

If you’re not totally sure if you give a damn about Senegal’s poaching problem, look at it this way:
“Intervening against illegal fishing in a West African country is critical work for Sea Shepherd Global,” says Lamya Essemlali, Campaign Coordinator and President of Sea Shepherd France. “It is the area of the world most targeted by illegal fishing. Most of the fish stolen from Africa ends up on the plates of much richer countries that otherwise applaud themselves for the crumbs of charity that they throw to African countries. Countries like Senegal do not need charity, but rather the kind of justice possible only through effective law enforcement patrolling.”

(Why would any sane person want to eat anything bigger than seaweed out of the ocean anyway?)

Jesse Saw Blackfish


I was psyched when Aaron Paul-Pinkman talked a little promo for his buddy’s movie, Extinction Soup (still want to see that, by the way). Welp, he did me one better, and got all upset about Blackfish with the rest of us.


The Protection Community Responds To Your Open Letter, SeaWorld

In this clip, PETA responds beautifully to SeaWorld’s multimillion dollar open letter that ran last week in major newspapers in the US.
As this clip points out, SeaWorld spends millions upon millions on improving its image and denying its blatant cruelty, but doesn’t spend a dime on efforts to reintegrate caught animals back into their families. It’s not crazytalk, it can be done. It has been done. It must be done for every wild caught cetacean in captivity.

And check out Sea Shepherd’s response to SeaWorld’s bullshit open letter last week.
2014 will be the year of the Orca, y’all!

The documentary “Blackfish” has left a desperate SeaWorld in its wake, struggling to stay afloat in a sea of bad press and criticism from the public. As performer after performer (eight total, so far) cancels their scheduled show for SeaWorld’s upcoming “Bands, Brews & BBQ” concert series due to concerns raised by the film, SeaWorld has fought back with a list of responses that they have called an open letter from SeaWorld’s “animal advocates.” While their representatives have declined to share how much money was spent putting this response out there, it is almost certain that SeaWorld spent thousands of dollars getting the letter published in eight major U.S. newspapers.

If you have read the letter, you might be finding it hard to separate fact from fiction as it is filled with SeaWorld’s spin on the captive marine mammal industry. Sea Shepherd would like to present a few counterpoints to SeaWorld’s arguments that will hopefully clear up any confusion.

SeaWorld does not capture killer whales in the wild. Due to the groundbreaking success of our research in marine mammal reproduction, we haven’t collected a killer whale from the wild in 35 years.”

While SeaWorld admits that they have two orcas in their “care” who were captured in the wild, they leave out the violent and traumatic captures that these orcas endured. Footage of a notoriously brutal orca capture in Penn Cove, a capture which tore apart a family of orcas and left some dead, can be seen in “Blackfish.” Those responsible for the capture even sank the bodies of the dead whales in an effort to hide their deaths.

Tilikum’s capture took place off the coast of Iceland in 1983, when he was only 2. He was sent to SeaLand of the Pacific, before enduring a stressful transport once again to his current prison, SeaWorld Orlando.

Many of SeaWorld’s orcas were, indeed, born in captivity. Many of them are the offspring of Tilikum, who is used as SeaWorld’s breeding machine. SeaWorld’s marine mammals are often inbred, offspring of two mated members of the same family, resulting in a range of genetic abnormalities and mutations. That is the truth of SeaWorld’s “groundbreaking success” in marine mammal reproduction.

The letter also conveniently leaves out the fact that SeaWorld plans to take some of the 18 wild-caught beluga whales that the Georgia Aquarium is currently fighting so hard to get their hands on. Some of the belugas would be split between SeaWorld Orlando, San Antonio, and San Diego as well as other captive facilities. Why does SeaWorld support the captures of members of a healthy population of beluga whales from the wild, while claiming publicly that their orcas don’t come from the ocean?

“We do not separate killer whale moms and calves. SeaWorld recognizes the important bond between mother and calf. On the rare occasion that a mother killer whale cannot care for the calf herself, we have successfully hand raised and reintroduced the calf. Whales are only moved to maintain a healthy social structure.”

As you can see in “Blackfish,” SeaWorld has in fact removed calves from their mother’s side and transported them to their other parks. Just as any mother would mourn for her child, the orcas have cried out long-range vocals looking for their young, taken by SeaWorld.

Even if this is old footage, it is quite possible that SeaWorld continues this practice. They continue to breed marine mammals, including orcas. Some are transferred between facilities to breed or to perform. In the wild, orcas live in large pods, and in some populations, calves stay with their mother for their entire life.

Regardless, the way to “maintain a healthy social structure” for orcas, animals who live in matriarchal pods, is never to separate a mother from her calf.

“We give our animals restaurant-quality fish, exercise, veterinary care, mental stimulation, and the company of other members of their species.”

The “restaurant-quality fish” being served to these orcas refers to thawed dead fish, contrary to their natural hunting behavior in the wild. These fish are filled with antibiotics and vitamins to combat the effects of captivity on these often stressed, sick whales.

Wild orcas get moisture from the fish that they consume, but the frozen fish provided at SeaWorld have lost most of the moisture they once contained. So, SeaWorld feeds its orcas massive amounts of gelatin each day for hydration.

While some of these orcas may be kept with members of their species, these artificial pods are not the families that they would live with in the wild. Tilikum often remains alone, and now spends most of his time floating listlessly at the surface of his tank. He is used as a “stud” for SeaWorld’s continuous supply of captive and in-bred orcas (perversely, marine park staff masturbate males in order to collect their semen, which is used to impregnate females), and occasionally he is forced to provide the “big splash” at the end of SeaWorld’s performances. The in-breeding has led to unhealthy offspring and many babies have been stillborn.

“SeaWorld’s killer whales’ life spans are equivalent with those in the wild.”

This is a lie that SeaWorld has been feeding to the public for years. They claim “no one knows for sure how long orcas live,” a claim that has been refuted by marine biologists and orca researchers who have spent the greater part of their careers studying the lives and natural behaviors of orcas in the wild.

SeaWorld’s claim that the life spans of captive and wild orcas are comparable is shattered by the real numbers. In the wild, the average life span for males is 30 years and 50 years for females. Males can reach an estimated maximum age of 60-70 years old, and females 80-90 years old. While SeaWorld points out “five of our animals are older than 30, and one of our whales is close to 50,” this is highly unusual for orcas in captivity, including those at SeaWorld. Many die before those ages, and some even before reaching maturity.

“The killer whales in our care benefit those in the wild. We work with universities, governmental agencies and NGOs to increase the body of knowledge about and the understanding of killer whales — from their anatomy and reproductive biology to their auditory abilities.” 

SeaWorld’s “research” on their captive orcas benefitting wild orcas is a stretch, to say the least. Captive orcas are mere shells of their wild counterparts, unable even to engage in the most basic of their natural behaviors or live in their natural social groupings. The collapsed dorsal fin that you see in captive orcas is something that SeaWorld claims is also common in the wild, but in fact is rarely seen in wild orcas. It is a sign of stress, illness, injury or other conditions.

“SeaWorld is a world leader in animal rescue.The millions of people who visit our parks each year make possible SeaWorld’s world-renowned work in rescue, rehabilitation and release…We have rescued more than 23,000 animals with the goal of treating and returning them to the wild.”

While SeaWorld does rescue, rehabilitate and release ocean wildlife, this statement included in their letter is disgracefully misleading. The animals released by SeaWorld are most often manatees, sea turtles, and other animals who cannot be used as “performers” in their shows. Dolphins and whales and other animals such as sea lions rescued by SeaWorld who can be forced to perform tricks for food are kept and used as performers.

We have yet to hear conclusive findings on the actual success of SeaWorld’s rescue and release program. They do not follow up and report on the survival of the animals who have been released from their care.

In addition, according to its 2011-12 Annual Report, SeaWorld has given only $9 million dollars over the last decade toward conservation efforts. That means for every 100 dollars in revenue they bring in, they donate approximately 1 cent toward saving the animals in the wild whose captive counterparts they are exploiting. That’s .0001 percent of their income going to help animals in the wild. I think that might be the most telling point of all — that, in fact, SeaWorld is really nothing more than a money-making enterprise.

The bottom line is that SeaWorld is part of the massive machine that is the captive marine mammal industry, an industry willing to spew whatever lies it can in order to keep you spending your money at their parks. This industry is inextricably linked not only to the deaths of the animals in their tanks, but to the deaths of marine mammals brutally slaughtered in Taiji, Japan where dolphin trainers work side-by-side with dolphin killers to hand-pick those who are suitable for captivity – those who are “prettiest” and without visible scars. SeaWorld does not want you to know what “Blackfish” made so clear, and what our volunteer Cove Guardians continue to show on the ground in Taiji every day: captivity kills.

As that message spreads, a new generation is leading the way for a future of freedom for marine life. Children have begun to speak out and say that they will never spend another moment at SeaWorld or other marine parks that hold orcas and other dolphins and whales in captivity. Students have even gotten regular school trips to SeaWorld canceled.

Children may have small voices, but they also have powerful voices because they represent change. This may be the hardest hit to SeaWorld yet, as these future adults will usher in the end of support for the captive industry and a shift toward protecting marine mammals where they belong — in the wild.

santa and a baluga

(Oh, hey, you guys, join me in giving all cetaceans the surname Freeman.)

Sea Shepherd’s Operation Relentless Now Underway

What Paul Watson had to say about yesterday’s launch of Operation Relentless to stop illegal whale poaching in the Southern Ocean for the 10th year in a row:

The Sam Simon and the Steve Irwin have departed from Williamstown in Victoria. The Bob Barker has departed from Hobart in Tasmania. All three ships are bound for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary with 100 crew from 24 nations.

Although I am prohibited by a U.S. Federal Court order from participating in Operation Relentless, I am confident that after nine years of campaigns, the captains, officers and crews of these three ships will do what they need to do to stop the illegal activities of the Japanese whaling fleet.

Japan is targeting endangered, threatened and protected whales in an internationally established sanctuary for whales in violation of a global moratorium on whaling. They are also in blatant contempt of an Australian Federal court order prohibiting them from whaling in the Australian Antarctic territorial waters.

The Japanese whalers have powerful economic and political backing and they may be able to stop myself and Sea Shepherd USA from opposing them in the Southern Ocean BUT they cannot stop a global movement of courageous and passionate volunteers.

Operation Relentless is in good hands under the leadership of Sea Shepherd Australia. The crew are experienced and they will stand fast in blocking the lethal intentions of the merciless killers of the Southern Ocean.

I wish I could be with them but as a United States citizen I am obligated to abide by an order of a U.S. Court, but whereas my freedom can be restricted, the free citizens of the rest of the world are still able to stand up, to uphold the international laws protecting the great whales.

Sea Shepherd ships fly Dutch flags and abide by the laws and regulations of the Netherlands. The Captains are Indian, Swedish and Australian. The directors of Operation Relentless are Australian and not a penny from the United States has gone to finance Operation Relentless in accordance with the demands of the United States Federal Court.

Sea Shepherd is a global movement and as a movement it will prevail. Japan cannot stop Sea Shepherd Australia and the United States cannot stop Sea Shepherd Australia.

Once again a film crew is onboard to document the campaign for Whale Wars.

Last year the Japanese took under 10% of their kill quota. The objective of this international crew of dedicated volunteers is to do even better.

All I can offer them are these words by Walt Whitman:

“Sail forth! steer for the deep waters only! Reckless, O soul, exploring, I with thee, and thou with me; For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go, And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all.”

100 brave souls on a mission to defend the lives of these great intelligent, socially complex wondrous sentient beings from the lethal intentions of a mass murdering fleet of vicious sadistic butchers.

What he said.

The Economics of Extinction

Paul Watson was on CBS This Morning this morning.
The interviewer asked, “If an American President or an American administration wanted to stop the Japanese could they do so?”
Mr. Watson said, without hesitation, “Yes, all they have to do is enforce U.S. Department of Commerce regulations against Japan and Iceland. They choose not to do so.”

He talked about one of my favorite topics, what he coined “the economics of extinction.” He explains it pretty clearly at the end of this video.

Now do you understand why I have a Zodiac operator’s class next week?

Happy birthday, Bob!

Most everyone’s pal, Bob Barker, turns 90 today!
He still looks and feels great, probably because he’s a vegan, and he’s still a rich son of a bitch, and donates tons of money to Sea Shepherd, PETA & other organizations.

He may or may not have sexually harassed some sexy ladies when he was on The Price, but my grandma stands by him so I am inclined to as well.*

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Bob Barker is a hero of mine for the countless (literally unable to be counted) numbers of animals he helped by encouraging average people, every day, to spay and neuter their pets. He kept the words “spay” and “neuter” as average as daytime television, and that is worth more than we can even estimate with population control speculations.

So thank you, Bob! I hope you’re not a misogynist, but regardless, thank you for all you’ve done for the animals. Your kindness will have lasting impact for many generations to come.

*Of course I don’t endorse sexual harassment, and I don’t endorse male employers intimidating anyone and least of all women. And I would never, ever, ever assume someone claiming to be a victim is lying. I can hope someone is innocent without hoping someone else is a liar. It’s my hope, I’ll do wha’ I wan’.


Oh, and I know I’m not going talk anymore shit about SeaWorld for a while, because I kind of wore it out there for a second, but, maybe I’ll just put this here and this here.