The Economics of Extinction

Paul Watson was on CBS This Morning this morning.
The interviewer asked, “If an American President or an American administration wanted to stop the Japanese could they do so?”
Mr. Watson said, without hesitation, “Yes, all they have to do is enforce U.S. Department of Commerce regulations against Japan and Iceland. They choose not to do so.”

He talked about one of my favorite topics, what he coined “the economics of extinction.” He explains it pretty clearly at the end of this video.

Now do you understand why I have a Zodiac operator’s class next week?

Okay, srsly, just two more things about hating SeaWorld, then we’ll move on…

This is just getting so great!

People are so pissed at SeaWorld it’s thrilling. Check out these two videos, one by a super cute little boy who asks you to boycott SeaWorld for his 6th birthday on December 22nd, the other by a cute bunch of teenagers who, like cute little Cash, saw Blackfish and want SeaWorld to quit being such evil fucks.


(And, honest, I’ll lay off the SeaWorld stuff for a second.)


“…and you’ll find me among the PETA protesters outside your parks.”

It just keeps getting shittier for SeaWorld.
And we like that because it’s good for the animals of the real sea world.

Earlier today, PETA shared Joan Jett’s cease and desist letter to SeaWorld, because they were using her song “I Love Rock’n’Roll” in a Shamu torture show.

joan jett sea world peta

“I was surprised and upset to see on YouTube that SeaWorld used ‘I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll’ as the opening music for its cruel and abusive ‘Shamu Rocks’ show. I’m among the millions who saw Blackfish and am sickened that my music was blasted without my permission at sound-sensitive marine mammals. These intelligent and feeling creatures communicate by sonar and are driven crazy in the tiny tanks in which they are confined. If I don’t receive written confirmation that SeaWorld will cease and desist from using any Joan Jett & the Blackhearts music, I will be forced to take further action, and you’ll find me among the PETA protesters outside your parks.” –Joan Jett to SeaWorld President Jim Atchison

A lifelong bleeding heart, Joan Jett was recently made into the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade vegan heroine when South Dakota’s animal killing lobby decided she shouldn’t be around to remind them of their own sins, just by being someone who doesn’t commit them too.

High five, Ms. Jett. High five. Everyone go on over to her Facebook page and tell her how awesome she is for supporting the whales.

joan jet yellow

God loved the whales, and invented oceans. Man loved the whales, and invented their captivity.

I am so proud of Willie Nelson, Canada’s Barenaked Ladies and the animal-loving ladies of the band Heart.
All of them have canceled shows scheduled at SeaWorld parks recently due to petitions signed by their fans urging them to avoid the torture kingdom. All of this excitement was stirred up by the CNN documentary Blackfish.
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s on Amazon (free on Prime) and it’s a great tool in our belt to combat ignorance  about sea parks and marine animal captivity.

This is very exciting and it would be a great time to click those links above to those individual artists’ Facebook pages and tell them you support them because their choices to stand with the whales, dolphins and other marine life.

shamu kills

Jesse Pinkman says, “Don’t fin sharks, bitch!”

dont fin sharks bitch

Well. Kind of.
Aaron Paul, at least, supports a movie that sheds light on shark finning, called Extinction Soup. In a tweet the other day, Aaron asked followers (yes, I follow Aaron Paul on Twitter, I was addicted to Breaking Bad, okay?) to support the film as well.

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But, seriously… Jesse! I miss you so much! Are you okay?! Where did you go?! No, don’t tell me! It’s better if I don’t know. I love you. Be safe.

And it’s not like I needed to remind this crowd, but please don’t eat at restaurants that serve shark fin soup. Not to call anyone out, President Obama.

I Want To Believe

See? Scully gets it.


Gillian Anderson is raising awareness about the destruction of deep sea fishing.
Depletion of our oceans has to stop. We have to stop thinking of consumption of sea animals as normal or acceptable.

You can sign the petition here.



Why conservation and veganism?

You’re not here alone.
You are sharing this world, your existence, no matter how isolated from everything you may feel, with inconceivable numbers of other lifeforms.

We are all connected in some way; We see each other’s litter every day, everywhere we go. We breathe each other’s pollution. We sit in each other’s traffic. We wade in each other’s energy. We pay the price for each other’s greed.

Live small, go vegan, protect one another.

Why don’t you eat dogs?

I am genuine, not just trying to be confrontational, when I say that I don’t understand why some people express outrage at the idea of eating horses or dogs, but cows or chickens are fair game.

If there is a difference that you see, please tell me what it is, because it drives me nuts not knowing.