Jesse Saw Blackfish


I was psyched when Aaron Paul-Pinkman talked a little promo for his buddy’s movie, Extinction Soup (still want to see that, by the way). Welp, he did me one better, and got all upset about Blackfish with the rest of us.


Jesse Pinkman says, “Don’t fin sharks, bitch!”

dont fin sharks bitch

Well. Kind of.
Aaron Paul, at least, supports a movie that sheds light on shark finning, called Extinction Soup. In a tweet the other day, Aaron asked followers (yes, I follow Aaron Paul on Twitter, I was addicted to Breaking Bad, okay?) to support the film as well.

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But, seriously… Jesse! I miss you so much! Are you okay?! Where did you go?! No, don’t tell me! It’s better if I don’t know. I love you. Be safe.

And it’s not like I needed to remind this crowd, but please don’t eat at restaurants that serve shark fin soup. Not to call anyone out, President Obama.