
Contrary to stereotypes, I’ve always found animal rightsy vegan pinkos, in all their seriousness, to have pretty heightened senses of humor and style. Hopefully this blog conveys a bit of that.

Tobzilla & Evzilla

Evzilla can usually be found taking or editing photographs, driving or paddling boats, advocating for spay/neuter, reading something or another, pedaling or repairing a bike, covered in dirt, and/or reducing and reusing way more than recycling.

Tobzilla can usually be found up-side down on the couch, chasing a hair tie across the floor, or sleeping in a sunbeam.

You can e-mail either of them at the same address.


One thought on “about

  1. Hello,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    I’ve just had the fortune of being awarded the Very Inspiring Blogger award and as part of the protocol I’ve awarded 15 other blogs as well, yours being one of them.

    Obviously I don’t know what your stance on blog awards is, but it’s your choice as to whether you’d like to accept it or not and I only mean to say thank you for putting together such a great blog that interests and inspires :-)

    Full details can be found in my post here: http://fashionthatpays.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/very-inspiring-blogger-award-home-calling/


    (dapperdolly of fashionthatpays.wordpress.com)

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