Hero Cat Needs A Home

Remix is an amazing cat.
The other day, he donated blood to save a momma cat and her baby (hence the dumb haircut around his jugular), and he purred about it. For some reason that I can’t fathom, this precious guy needs a home.
His tiny squeak of a meow is a hilarious contrast to his enormous, loving personality. It is a crime against humanity that he is not warming a loving lap in a comfortable home. Instead, he lives his life in a pee-covered back office of a dirty little vet clinic with no windows, no friends, no soft furniture to sleep on.
Life is so unfair.
It makes so sense that this cat is homeless. He is too kind, loving and gentle.
Please share. Please contact me if you know anyone in the Austin, Texas area who might be interested in having the greatest cat of all time in their home. He don’t give one single damn about dogs, other cats or loud office racket. He is healthy and ready to be adopted.

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1cGQSDn

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