Oh please, oh please, oh please let Justin Bieber get mauled by an exotic animal.

Please note, I changed the title of this post from “Oh please, oh please, oh please let Justin Bieber get eaten by an exotic animal. ” to “Oh please, oh please, oh please let Justin Bieber get mauled by an exotic animal. ”
I am trying to be sensitive to Beliebers, and not wish actual death upon this piece of trash… Even though I do wish an exotic pet would eat Justin Bieber, that’s not as personal as it seems; I wish ALL exotic pet owners would be eaten by exotic animals.

Just as bad as the hamster he sentenced to death or the monkey he abandoned in Germany, Biebs bought a bulldog from a pet store recently because he’s Biebs and he thinks he can.

I really, really hope Justin Bieber gets mauled by an animal. Any animal.
Ideally an exotic pet, but I am not particular.
We’ll make a graphic just in case. Like when NBC made the special for the TBA disaster on 30 Rock.

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