Please tell the Weld County, Colorado D.A.: Reporting cruelty isn’t a crime! (video)

Please sign this petition addressed to Ken Buck, the DA in Weld County brining these batshit charges against Taylor Radig.

If you don’t (or do) know who Taylor Radig is, check out Will Potter’s great new interview with her over at Green is the New Red (which you should follow, if you don’t, which I’m sure you do).

Taylor was arrested in an act of whistleblower victimization when she reported cruelty and abuse of infant calves at a veal growing facility.

You can support Taylor and the veal calves further by throwing a few bucks the way of Compassion Over Killing, whose investigations continue, despite the legal barricades Big Meat tries to throw in their way. Erica Meier is a hero and staffs her organization accordingly. COK is on its way up and I, for one, am giddy about the future and the conversations they’re creating.

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